Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
There is a legal requirement under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 to conduct a specific Display Screen Equipment (DSE Assessment) Risk Assessment for employees classed as users of DSE.
DSE is now one of the most commonly used types of work equipment, therefore the HSE introduced The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 to protect the health of those who work with DSE.
Display Screen Equipment Users
Workers meet the classification of a DSE user if they meet the following criteria:
✅ They use DSE on a daily basis;
✅ They use DSE for an hour or more at a time;
✅ They could not do their job without DSE.
If workers meet the DSE classification, employers must do a workstation (DSE) assessment.
Employers should look at: the whole workstation, including equipment, furniture, work conditions and the job being done.
Prolonged use of computer workstations and display screen equipment (DSE), can lead to neck, shoulder, back or arm pain, along with stress, fatigue and temporary eyestrain.
These disorders can be avoided if DSE assessments are carried out, equipment is set up correctly and good practice is applied
Home Working
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations also applies to workers who work at home on a permanent or long-term basis, as well as for those workers who may be home working from another country.
Our DSE Assessor Service
✅ Employee DSE user assessment
✅ Follow-up consultation and report (if required)
✅ In person workstation evaluation and report (if required)
✅ Workstation planning consultation
Our DSE Assessment service includes:
DSE assessment programme on all identified DSE users
Individual employee or work group DSE assessments
Verbal report on observations and issues identified
Written report and action plan to manager
Follow-up consultation (if required) - by phone or online
In person workstation evaluation (includes office workspace or home workstation)
Workstation planning consultation
One month’s standard business support by: telephone, email and virtual online chat
*Fee is dependant on the number of DSE users require assessing