E-Learning (new)
Employee health and safety training is mandatory under law, and is vital in order to reduce failings, improve workplace safety and fulfil all employer legal obligations.
Health and Safety training is not only essential for any business, it is also a legal requirement, where the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 requires that employers provide: adequate training of staff to ensure health and safety procedures are understood and adhered to...
Through approved suppliers of Health and Safety e-learning courses, we offer a range of modules to ensure that you are compliant with your legal obligation with regards to employee training.
The modules can be used for safety awareness induction of new employees, refresher training of current employees or as part of a structured employee training programme.
Individual Modules or Bespoke Bundles
Maintain management of your employees' training and compliance with unlimited access to an online suite of approved Health and Safety training courses, built to ensure that your organisation can fully comply with current safety regulations.
from £1250* (subscription)
(*1-20 employees - then priced per additional employee)
✅ Unlimited access to all of our standard courses for subscription period*
✅ Unlimited employee registration per course module
✅ Extensive library of safety & management eLearning modules
✅ Individual modules or bespoke eLearning bundles
✅ Management access to employee training portal
✅ Courses can be completed on any internet accessing device
✅ Essential H&S module bundle included as standard
✅ Individual employee named CPD certificate of achievement for completed module(s).
*We can offer subscriptions to run for 12, 24 or 36 months - please contact us for details.
The benefits of E-Learning with us
Is Health and Safety training mandatory?
The simple answer is Yes it is.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (Part 1 Section 2 (2)) compels employers with the following duty:
the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees -
Furthermore, The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (Regulation 13) identifies situations where health and safety training is particularly important:
(2) Every employer shall ensure that his employees are provided with adequate health and safety training—
(a) on their being recruited into the employer’s undertaking; and
(b) on their being exposed to new or increased risks because of—
(i) their being transferred or given a change of responsibilities within the employer’s undertaking,
(ii) the introduction of new work equipment into or a change respecting work equipment already in use within the employer’s undertaking,
(iii) the introduction of new technology into the employer’s undertaking, or
(iv) the introduction of a new system of work into or a change respecting a system of work already in use within the employer’s undertaking.
By using a dedicated Health and Safety eLearning facility, such as the one we provide to our clients, it ensures business that their employees are trained efficiently, whilst maintaining the high level of quality that is required to fulfil legal requirements.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about your business like "Where do you ship to?", "What are your opening hours?", or "How can I book a service?".
Health & Safety Audit (Safety GAP analysis)Every business must observe statutory obligations, when it comes to the management of health and safety within the workplace. What is a Safety Audit? A health and safety audit is a comprehensive inspection of how a business is best managing and meeting its statutory duties. The best way to view it, is to compare it to a car MOT, where all aspects of health and safety for the business are inspected, including; safe working practices, working environment, welfare facilities and H&S documentation. At the end of the inspection (audit), a compliance level is established. After the assessment, you will receive a verbal report, followed by a full written report, which will outline in detail the findings of the inspection with appropriate recommendations. *Prices vary depending on size premises, number of employees and complexity of the business. Discount available on multiple property businesses.
Health and Safety Policy & StatementThe Health and Safety Policy under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 says that every business must have a policy for managing health and safety. A health and safety policy sets out your general approach to health and safety. It explains how you, as an employer, will manage health and safety in your business. It should clearly say who does what, when and how. A policy is only effective if acted upon and followed by you and your employees.
Where can I add my FAQs?FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.
Health and Safety Site InspectionAs an employer, you have a duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of your employees and anyone else who might be affected by your activities. Carrying out regular workplace safety inspections is like a service on your car. This has two benefits for your business - firstly, it is a key way of monitoring your health and safety compliance level, with regards to safe working practices and site safety. Secondly, it is an ideal tool for identifying and addressing significant hazards early on. Workplace inspections are a practical way of keeping on top of potential problems before they arise. My workplace inspection service enables you to take a proactive approach to Health and Safety compliance, therefore ensuring excellent Health and Safety standards and conformity. Eden Health and Safety, offer friendly, professional and comprehensive workplace safety inspections which will highlight any Health and Safety issues. I can then work with you and your managers, ensuring that you fully understand any findings and the steps you need to take so you are compliant with your statutory Health, Safety and Welfare duties. Safety Inspections should always be carried out by someone who is competent to identify relevant hazards and risks, and who can assess the circumstances.
COSHH AssessmentsThe Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations 2002 states the responsibilities of employers in the control of hazardous substances. The regulations cover: chemicals; fumes; vapours; dusts; germs that cause diseases; gases and biological agents. The law requires you to adequately control exposure to materials in the workplace that cause ill health. Eden Health and Safety can assist with carrying out COSHH assessments on all chemicals used within your business.
Incident/Accident Investigation (RIDDOR)Employers have a statutory requirement to report and investigate certain workplace incidents, accidents and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Eden Health and Safety can carry out a thorough workplace accident/incident investigation and report on any accident/incident in compliance with the RIDDOR regulations on your behalf. A workplace accident investigation is used to determine the cause of any accident and identify any failings of the health and safety management system/arrangements. It allows measures to be put into place and management procedures to be amended in order to prevent a re-occurrence of the accident/incident. what you need to know: Reporting accidents and incidents at work What we do to support you: Report the incident on behalf of you to the HSE Attend the accident scene and carry out a thorough investigation (collect evidence, take statements etc...) Prepare a full investigation report identifying root cause Provide action plan to reduce the likely hood of a re-occurrence . Provide on-going support and advice until the action plan has been actioned. Please note this service can be included as part of any of our 'competent person packages.' If you are in doubt, we can advise you if the accident/incident is a RIDDOR and needs to be reported and investigated, in accordance with the RIDDOR regulations. Phone: 07425 142 821 if you require further information or advice.
Fire Risk AssessmentsUnder the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, and The Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006, if you are an employer, landlord or owner of a commercial premises you then have a legal duty to ensure fire safety within your business. If you employ 5 or more people, legally you must have a written Fire Risk Assessment (FRA). What is a Fire Risk Assessment? The aim of a Fire Risk Assessment is to identify potential fire hazards within a workplace, building or from work activities carried out. It also assesses the risk to life of those occupying the building and makes recommendations to eliminate or mitigate the identified risks by identifying suitable control measures. *Prices will vary depending on size of premises, number of employees, risk level of the business.
DSE AssessmentsThe Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 apply to workers dependent on DSE devices to work, whether they are based in the office, working from home, remote working, or working offsite or using tablets for carrying out work tasks. Employees meet DSE assessment requirement if the user meets the following criteria: They use DSE on a daily basis; They use DSE for an hour or more at a time; They could not do their job without DSE. Prolonged use of computer workstations and display screen equipment (DSE) can lead to pain and discomfort of the neck, shoulders, back or arms, along with stress, fatigue and temporary eyestrain. Eden Health and Safety, will review your employees DSE assessments, carrying out follow-up phone or face to face consultations with individual employees where DSE issues are identified.
Other Modules
Abrasive Wheel Safety
Asbestos Awareness (+International)
Banksman Essentials
CDM Regulations
Confined Spaces
Dust Awareness Training
Electrical Safety
Eye Protection
First Aid Appointed Person
First Aid Requirements & RIDDOR
General Workshop Safety
Infection Prevention & Control
Legionella Awareness
Personal Protective Equipment
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)
Spill Kits (Bodily Fluids & Chemicals & Oils)
Any course module can be taken individually or added to any bespoke E-Learning bundle.
Please contact us if you do not find a course you require and we will see if we can supply it for you.